Happy Friday friends! I don’t know about you, but when things get rough as they have been in 2020 and this week, I need a good laugh. I really enjoyed listening to @trevornoah -he is a great story teller and I was laughing and sometimes cringing right along side him. I’m so glad #instamademedoit and recommended this one so many times. And listening to it makes the story come alive (plus I love accents). I loved hearing about Johannesburg and South Africa and what life was like for him. I particularly loved the part about how “the hood” sucks you in because you’re constantly hustling but going no where. And if you leave it’s an insult to those who raised you. I also loved when he discusses so many people “teach the man to fish so he can feed himself” but never give him a rod. That’s was very insightful and made me think. If you need to laugh (which is what everyone needs) go listen to this! I highly recommend! follow me on instagram @adventurousbookmaven.