Float Plan

by Trish Doller

Float Plan by Trish Doller

**SPOILER ahead**
⛵A little deeper than your typical romance book! As we sail along with Anna we get to see her life mimic her voyage. At first, it starts out rough- she has never navigated a boat before and she is going to go at it solo. She makes mistakes and is generally uncomfortable, just like she is in her personal life at the start of the book. As soon as she realizes she is out of her element she hires a professional sailor to help captain the boat and teach her some things. I found this interesting since she refused the help of a counselor when it came to her mental health/grief, but when she is limited physically she is quicker to get help. Lucky for Anna, Keane is able to help her get through the rough waters -quite literally, and he is the constant friend that Anna needs. In her “real life” Anna hid from people and drowned in her grief. On the water, she finds herself and learns to be content. As her personal life became calmer so did the waters around her and she was able to captain the boat herself. This was a good character development book however I found the timeline of falling in love to be a little quick. One month? That escalated quickly from where she started. I guess if someone took me on a boat sailing around islands, did some hikes, met fun friends, had an Irish accent, and cooked for me I might have fallen in love too!
TW: Suicide